Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week#3 Thing#5

Originally uploaded by bbclmt2

This is our new teen friendly reading area in our library. The kids love it! Every morning before school we have a large group of students who utilize it as a study area. We placed all the magazines in nearby racks and lunch times finds students in the chairs and on the floor browsing through the latest editions, along with the current newspapers.

I found setting up the flickr account and uploading the picture to be extremely easy and fun. Linking it to my blog so it automatically uploads the picture for me was the best. Ok, so either I'm getting better at this with some practice, or this is getting easier. I guess as I move forward I'll find out which it is.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


While I was "unofficially" working on my own, I felt no real pressure, but taking the plunge and actually registering meant I was making a committment, at least to myself, to complete this course. Wow! I really took a moment to hesitate over that submit button. But - I took the plunge, and now I'm really excited about the rest of the "things" I'm going to be learning and doing.


Creating the avatar and naming her was fun! I managed to get it copied on the blog and now I'm working with our on site technology department to get it added to my library web page. Fun! I think I will impress the students with the "new me".


7 1/2 LIfelong Learning Habits

Easiest for me: The first step is easiest for me - Begin with the end in mind. I'm very goal oriented, so I usually know exactly where I'm headed and how I want to get there.

Hardest for me: Viewing problems as challenges. I tend to get frustrated if things don't go as planned. I'm hoping my participation in this program helps me with that, to look at those problems as learning experiences and lessen the frustration level.


Setting up the blog and the avatar took more time than I thought it would, but I think I'm getting used to how they work. I'm working with others in my district on this and their support is very helpful. Now that the initial setup is completed, I think I can move forward.

My first real insight: I felt awkward and clumsy with some of the setup and it served as a somewhat unpleasant reminder as to how my students and staff might feel when they are asked to master a new technology. Good wake-up call.